Sunday, March 15, 2009


Do you ever notice that dogs are almost always happy. I think that's because they only live in the moment. They don't worry about what will happen tomorrow or next week or next month or year. They only care about what is happening Right Now. As long as they are fed and someone pays attention to them, they are happy. I think we should all be happy with that, as long as we are fed and someone pays attention to us, we should be happy.

I've been trying to live in the moment more often. I'm not saying to forget about tomorrow, I'm saying that we (by that I mean "I") need to pay more attention to today than what might happen in the future. I know that people always talk about living in the moment, I guess I want to live in the "Now". Trudy is laying by me just looking up whenever I look at her. If I say anything to her, she lifts her head and wags her tail. Bella is on the Love seat, since she's older and a little calmer, she only lifts her head when I say several things to her. She also doesn't have a tail, so her little stub will move if she's really excited about whatever I have to say.

The other thing about dogs is that they thoroughly enjoy things that we used to but now don't have time for. Like taking a walk. We as a society don't just take a walk and marvel at what's outside. The dogs are looking at everything and smelling everything. When we (I) walk we (I) normally have headphones on and walk the same route, just walking for the exercise not for the joy of just being able to walk. We (I) need to be appreciate the fact that I can just go for a walk, that I'm healthy enough to walk, that my neighborhood is safe enough for a walk, that I live in an area where the weather will permit it. I think I will walk to church today just because I can.

Have you ever noticed that dogs are just damned happy to meet you. We (I) have lost that also. Even people they have just seen, they are thrilled that someone took time out of their day and stopped by to see you and say "Hi". Because if you're a dog, why else would anyone stop by? All they are doing is stopping by to see you. They may have other reasons for stopping, but at the heart of it, they are stopping by just to see you. We (I) need to appreciate that more than we (I) do.

I was going to embed a YouTube video of the dogs, but couldn't figure it out. If you want to see what I'm talking about, go to:

Well, enough philosophizing for today. Time to get ready to enjoy a walk to church.

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